St. James Church

St. James Church

Paso Robles, California USA

(805) 238-0819

©St. James Church

Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here.
Sunday 10:00am. Wednesday 6:00pm.

Health Ministry

The Bible says a lot about the importance of the inter-relationship of body and soul.About 20% of the content in the gospels is devoted to stories of Christ's healings and the discussions that resulted from them.Jesus sent His disciples out not only to preach the kingdom of God, but also to heal the sick (Luke 9:2).And Jesus promised that we would do even greater works than He did (John 14:12).The book of Acts tells how the early church attempted to carry out this commission to care for whole persons, not souls or bodies alone.

As recently as 100 years ago, Christian churches were leaders in the health field, building the finest hospitals and educating thousands of religiously motivated women as nurses.But during the past century, communication between health care specialists and spiritual care specialists has been practically non-existent.Today scientific medicine is looking for help in preventive medicine, in health education, and in helping to motivate people to care for their own health.

We at St. James care about each other.The Health Ministry Team wants you to attain true health and wholeness.Choices you make daily can help or hinder your quest for good health.

To help you make good choices and care for yourself we intend to offer health education articles on this website.If you have a specific topic you wish to read about, please call a team member or the office and the Parish Administrator will relay the message.If, after reading an article you have further questions, please take those concerns to your physician or contact a member of the Health Ministry Team.God is always available and will work with you for wellness.

Health & Wellness Articles

Below are links to articles on health-related matters.We encourage you to read them.Simply click on the link to open the document.

Outside Resources

©St. James Church